Our Staff
Our trained staff is knowledgeable and ready to care for and educate young people. We keep our training up to date and are always learning new ways to make Community Childcare Learning Center a fun place to learn and grow!
Nannette Sago
I am the Director at Community Childcare Learning Center. I have a bachelor's degree in Early Childcare. I have several years experience as a childcare center teacher and have been the director here since November 2015.
Mrs. Kim
I'm the Pre-K teacher at Community Childcare. I have my Bacehlor's of Science in Early Childhood Education from Central Methodist University. I have worked with children almost all my life.
Ms. Deanie
I am the dietitian at Community Childcare Learning Center. I use my many years of experience to provide tasty, nutritious meals for all of our students.
Miss Jenna
I am so excited to work with Littles. I have lots of new ideas to share with this class!
Mrs. Jennifer
I am the Middles teacher. I have worked at Community Childcare since 2013 as an aide to our Pre-K teacher and took over the position as Middles teacher in the fall of 2017.
Ms. Arlene
I am the assistant cook and have worked here for 11 years. I love making the food not only nutritious and delicious, but also FUN!
Tidbit: I used to be a race-car driver!
Ms. Heather
I have worked as an aide here for 25 years. My favorite activity is story time!
Ms. Cheryl
I am the school age teacher. I have been here since April 2015. I have my associates degree in Elementary Education. I am also an assistant in the office while my class is away at school.
Mr. Jim
I am the bus driver. I take the school age students to and from school and on field trips. I also take the Pre-K and Middles classes on field trips sometimes.
Miss. Cat
I am the assistant teacher in the Pre-K room. I am working toward my CDA and have worked up to my position from being an aide and snack person to this position.
Miss Hannah
I am the co-teacher in the Littles room. I am attending college and learning new ways to teach these great students.
Miss Kenlee
I work in the Littles room. I am working toward my CDA and really love working with these precious little ones.
Miss. Anne
I am a classroom aide. I predominantly work in the Littles room, but I sometimes move to another area to help out for activities and other needs.
Miss. Alesha
I am a classroom aide. I move from room to room throughout any given day or week depending on where I am most needed.
Miss. Esther
I am a classroom aide. I am working toward my CDA. I absolutely love working with these kids!